Sunday, August 3, 2014

Day 64 - 3,722 Miles To Date - Yosemite, CA

We made it to Cali!! We literally rode our bikes from Maryland to California, so crazy! I'm currently sitting in a lounge in Curry Village in the middle of Yosemite National Park. I got a cup of coffee and my team is just relaxing and waiting for some more of us to show up. Our last rest day was probably the best yet. We woke up and headed over to the Carson City Cancer Center to deliver chemo care bags and get a tour of the facility. It was pretty neat and towards the end we were able to learn about some of the hats and wigs they make. After listening to what the woman had to say, Holden decided he wanted to donate his long ponytail to make a wig for a cancer patient. The woman set up the appointment and half of us went with him while the other half went to talk about our trip to the Rotary Club that hosted us. Once we finished up with both of those things, we were able to go over to one of the beaches on the lake and hang out on the water for a while. Jeff made a jet ski reservation for us, so after laying on the beach for about an hour we took it out. It was so much fun and I definitely wish I brought my GoPro. I think I can now update my list of scariest things I've ever done in my life: Jetskiing with Jeff driving, ATVs with Jeff driving, and skydiving. The Rotary Club hosted a dinner for us a little while later on the beach so we were able to hang out into sunset. None of us wanted to leave after a really fun day, but eventually we went back to the host and prepared for a long, hard day (though I was scheduled for a van day.) The next day went like most van days do, boring and long. Everyone else definitely had a much longer day because it was about 118 miles full of heat, wind, and climbing. Everyone made it to Lee Vining though, and we ate dinner and slept, like most century days go. This morning we got ready and were told breakfast was at a different location two miles away, so we biked out and followed the van to what looked like the airport. We all arrived to Landis' parents by their little plane and breakfast set up on the wings for us. We were all really excited and surprised but of course Landis was very surprised and happy to see her parents again. We ate a delicious meal and had a really great dedication circle and cheer and headed off to Yosemite. Today was also going to be another hard day of climbing, so I decided to dedicate it to all of the people my teammates are riding for. I've gotten to know everyone really well and as I've said in previous posts, they are so inspiring and I really wanted to ride for all of their families and friends. Today's ride ended up being kind of a - pardon my French - shit show, but it was also SO beautiful and I really enjoyed it. My group got split up and Jeff and I ended up finishing out the ride through the national park and to Curry Village where we eventually met up with Draper, Casey, Chris, and Emily again. The ride was definitely a tough one but the descent through Yosemite was absolutely worth it, as usual I'll let the pictures do the talking. Tonight, we camp. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Steph!
    I am so proud of you and happy to see you completing this amazing advenenture! Thanks for sharing so that a couch potato can also feel like he's on the trip. Love ya!
    Uncle Doug
